In joyful response to our Lord’s command to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing…and teaching” (Matthew 28:19-20), the members of Alpine Lutheran Church have been bringing the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, our Savior, to the people of Alpine and San Diego’s outer east county since 1958.
We teach, believe and confess that all the words of the Holy Bible are the actual words of God, given by inspiration to those God chose to record them. As the very word of holy God, the Bible is the all-sufficient, inerrant and infallible guide for everything we believe and do. Also as the very word of God, we recognize that it is invalid for us to add to it any “continuing revelation”, to subtract from it any teaching which is currently unpopular or to twist its words to make them say what we might to want to believe. To ensure that we are understanding each word as God intended, we take each passage in context and let Scripture interpret Scripture.
We teach, believe and confess that the only true God, as he has revealed himself to us in his Word, is the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe the Father created all that exists and still preserves us today. We believe the Son was born of the Virgin Mary and that he has freed us from the power of sin and of the Devil by suffering death for our sins and then raising himself once again to life. We believe the Holy Spirit brought us to saving faith in Jesus not through any choice or cooperation of ours but solely through the word of God.
Since we understand that the church’s purpose is to tend to the spiritual needs of people and their eternal life, we let each person decide how they will exercise their Christian responsibility in the political and social sphere.